Definitive Healthcare reached out to healthcare providers and executives to learn how their organizations use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) today, any plans for usage and limitations in using such technology. Data was gathered in May and June 2022 via an online survey.
They collected responses from 132 individuals who work at healthcare organizations across the U.S. Respondents hold roles in medical and care management, operations, radiology, administration, information technology and marketing. About half of respondents are managers or directors (45.5%) and one-third are C-suite level. Close to half of respondents (48.5%) work at physician groups and other outpatient clinics.
Nearly one-third of respondents indicate that their organization uses some type of
AI/ML (31.1%). Computer-aided image detection for oncology (36.6%), process or
workflow improvement (36.6%) and care guideline consultation/suggestive care options
(34.1%) are the most reported areas of AI, ML or deep learning use.
More than 40% of respondents have plans for AI or ML in the next two years specifically in process or workflow improvement (67.9%).
If you are interested in reading more about AI/ML in healthcare, download this white paper.
If you are looking for an organization that is focused on process and workflow improvements that ultimately improves the Patient Experience in outpatient clinics, look no further than Expeditor, our focus has always been on improving the patient experience through increased Patient Flow Efficiency in outpatient clinics.
Let us show you how our technology has increased Patient Flow Efficiency and improved the Patient Experience in our over 7,000 clients, Contact Us today!